Programme of BSA Annual Conference 2022

Programme of BSA Annual Conference 2022

BSA Annual Conference ‘2022

Mobility, migration, mobilisation

25 November 2022 г.

Conference Hall 2, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

11.30-17.10 ч.


ZOOM link:

General Assembly BSA

Start: 17.00-18.30 ч.




Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Hristova

Humanistic Sociology and Migrations – One Hundred Years Later. Dr. Michaela Mischeva. UNWE, Department of Economic Sociology [in Bulgarian]

How are refugees expelled from Bulgaria. Rumiana Zheleva, IFS at BAS [in Bulgarian]

Culture and identity in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetlozar Kirilov, Sofia University, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication [in Bulgarian]

Media: an opportunity for cultural dialogue with migration. Angela Georgieva, PhD student, Department of Media and Communication, New Bulgarian University [in Bulgarian]

Challenges, experiences and identity of Bulgarian migrants (Bulgarians in London and returnees). Gergana Kurtakova, PhD student, Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski University, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Department of Applied and Institutional Sociology [in Bulgarian]



13.30-14.00 Lunch Break



Moderator: Prof. Rumyana Stoilova

Migration and destination choices of Ukrainian refugees: A coincidence or rational decision-making? Prof. Dr. Irena Kogan, Chair of Comparative Sociology, Mannheim University  Germany

Social Differences in Attitudes Towards Immigrants. Prof. Dr. Rumiana Stoilova – IFS at BAS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elitsa Dimitrova – IINCH at BAS/ Paisii Hilendarski University, PhD student Evelina Slavkova – Sociological Agency “Trend” [in Bulgarian]

Experimental replacement of the Bogardus scale with context-sensitive questions in measuring social distances towards refugee groups and ethnic minorities. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexey Pamporov, IFS at BAS [in Bulgarian]



15.30-16.00 Coffee break



Moderator: prof. Petya Kabakchieva

Migrations, compressed modernities and multisituated inequalities,Prof. Dr. Laurence Roulleau-Berger, Research Director at National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, Triangle

Public attitudes and institutional measures to guarantee the rights of refugee and asylum-seeking children. Assistant Dr. Maria Brestnicka, UNWE, Department of Economic Sociology  [in Bulgarian]



17.00 -18.30

General Assembly BSA

ChairAlexey Pamporov


  1. Registration;
  2. Report on the activities of the BSA Board and financial report for 2022 Prof. Rumiana Stoilova;
  3. Presentation of a vision of the association’s activities for 2023;
  4. Other.

Glass of wine




About the author

bsa administrator

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